The ALL IN Hiring System Overhaul
The 5-Star Employee Hiring System includes:
- 12-Month ALL IN Membership: Programming, support and access divided into three phases
- Phase 1: 5 Days to 5-Star Hires
- Phase 2: Become a Certified 5-Star Employer
- Phase 3: The ALL IN Community and Platform
- 12 Months of Access and Support to The ALL IN Platform, Assessments and Applicant Tracking
- 23 Recruitment, Hiring, and Retention Assets
Your Investment: $25,000
The 5-Star Employee Hiring System is offered in two payment plans to better suit your needs.
Please choose your preferred method below.
Pay in Full
- Single $25,000 Payment
Split Payment
- Initial $10,000 Payment
- 3 Monthly Payments of $5,000 (charged based on date of purchase)